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The Power of Art in Advocacy and Social Change

Sasa Aakil is a force of nature. Previously part of our extensive Youth Poet Laureate program, we’ve been honored to work alongside Aakil as she navigates her career in poetry and advocacy. In addition to mentorship, performance opportunities and skill advancement, our YPLs advance their careers by becoming published authors.

We recently gathered to fete Aakil’s ‌book launch as the 2022 Montgomery County, Maryland Youth Poet Laureate. Yet, our applause hasn't waned — she's now a fresh alum of Howard University's College of Fine Arts, wearing the added feather of valedictorian honors. Sasa's living proof that hard work and talent pay off, and her graduation address at Howard University's (HU) ceremony was nothing short of electrifying.

As a spoken word artist and activist, Aakil uses her powerful voice and artistic abilities to advocate for social change. Her poems are a call to action, addressing important topics like racial justice and equality. Her performances inspire people to take a stand and make a difference in their communities. Aakil’s art serves as a powerful tool in raising awareness and creating meaningful dialogue around important issues.

Aakil's recent valedictorian address at HU’s graduation ceremony is a living example of how art can be used to enact change. Sasa's art? It's not just about pretty words — it's the battle cry of a generation, the anthem for change. Here are five key moments from her speech that we think everyone should read.

Art is a Catalyst for Change

Aakil reminds us that art is a catalyst for imagination and healing, stating that

"Art allows us to imagine better worlds. Worlds to create solutions and craft healing. It allows us to enter the hearts of people and gently nudge them toward justice and love and away from hate and bigotry." 

Aakil's words hit home — art is the spark that ignites our wildest dreams, the balm that mends our wounds. It's this magical portal that lets us dream up new ways to fix things and bring peace. It's the gentle push in the back that steers us towards compassion and fairness, nudging us away from the shadows of hate. Isn't that just the kind of hope we're all craving?

The Impact of Art on Society

Aakil emphasized the integral and revolutionary role Black art plays in society, stating the most important thing she learned in college was that

“Art is important, and Black art is revolutionary. Our work, our will to create, see and be seen, is not only beautiful, it is necessary, and powerful for the functioning of our society." 

Aakil believes that Howard University plays an integral role in creating this change because the institution instills in its students that their work is vital for world progress, stating that “art is often overlooked and underappreciated, but the College of Fine Arts teaches us that what we do is not only integral to the function and betterment of our world, but it is beautiful.” 

Remembering lives lost

In a display of her incredible depth of character, Aakil reminded us to honor those who never got to graduate because of the violence and injustice that plague our world. Her raw words pierced through our egos and reminded us that this moment was bigger than our individual experiences. It is important to shift our perspective and remain aware of what humanity is experiencing on a larger scale.

Her words shifted our perspective when she bravely said,

"I'd be remiss if I ended this speech without remembering the countless students in Gaza who will never be able to graduate, because they were killed or their universities were bombed, or their professors were murdered. I’d be remiss if I ended this speech without remembering the Palestinian American students who were shot simply for being Palestinian. We as Black people, can relate to being shot only for our existence. And I would be remiss to end this speech without remembering the courageous students whose graduations have been delayed indefinitely because they dared to stand up for justice. I hold the memories of these people close as I walk the stage and try to honor them in all the beautiful ways that I know how."

And we felt it. Aakil’s art is magic. It connects us collectively. Much like an invisible thread that is attached to our heart centers, naked to the eye, but felt in our soul. As her words flow the thread is tugged and we are reminded that love connects us — we feel it. We feel the call. The thread is now visible.

The Role of Art in Social Justice

In a recent post on Instagram, Aakil said that she hopes her speech communicates the importance of using art as a tool for advocacy, stating that

“Art is powerful and artists (and art students) continue to use their work and words to stand up for truth and justice. Me and my fellow graduates believe in our work and many of us will use it to fight for Black lives, for Palestine, for Congo."

Aakil's post is more than just words on a screen — it's a love letter to the potential of art to transform society and the people in it. This is exactly what our organization has worked to achieve for over twenty years. Hip-hop culture and its many forms of art (including poetry) have the power to transform individual lives and communities. We empower the marginalized with resources so that they can enact change through art in their own ways. With our support, artists speak out on issues of injustice and craft innovative solutions to inequality within their community. Aakil's fierce conviction that artists are more than entertainers strikes the very soul of our organization — they are the sparks that ignite real, lasting change. And as Aakil stands tall to claim that hard-earned diploma, I see a torchbearer, ready to run with the dreams of the past and light the way for a future brimming with hope.

Transforming Words into Action

The power of Aakil’s speech was felt when she stepped up to the mic and wove a tapestry of vibrant words on art and resilience. She didn't just talk about art — she made you see varying shades of perspective, feel rhythms that inspire you to dance and hear whispers of change echoing through the very halls of the ceremony. Art isn't just about paying homage to the past, but shaping a future where every stroke of a brush and every beat of a drum tells a story of pride and resilience. It was more than a speech — it was a call to action. She beckoned us all to be artists of change, to wield our creative swords and paint a world where justice and equality aren't just dreams but everyday realities.

Learn how to create art that enacts change

We are honored to have been a part of Aakil's poetry career so far and are so proud of her conviction to use her voice to create art that inspires and creates necessary change. We cannot wait to see the incredible changes she brings to the world next.

If you're interested in working with us to further your writing skills and begin your career in poetry or the creative arts, we encourage you to enroll in our free summer classes. Let's come together to forge a new future of justice and equality through art. 

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