Hip-Hop Dance Culture Thriving in China
C-POP’s growth is a strong sign that China continues to open up by allowing young artists to use music, dance, performance, and competition to express themselves openly in positive, exciting, and engaging ways.
The culture in China today is very different from what it was just 25 - 35 years ago. The transformation of the culture and society has been astounding, demonstrating the fastest growth and dynamic change that the world has ever seen with respect to younger generations using music and dance to express themselves and help define a new culture, a new vision for the creative sides of the new generations. The younger generations in China are growing up in a society that is open and engaged with the world on a scale their parents and ancestors did not experience. Social media is a catalyst that has expanded connections and fanbases around the world.
One of the many positive results of this dynamic transformation is enabling the younger generations to express their ideas, creativity, imagination, and innovation through various channels, but probably most impactful via social media.
Social platforms like WeChat in China have by far more functionality and tools than any other similar social media channel in the West, as one typically needs to combine the functionality of 5-10 apps in the U.S. to deliver the performance of a platform like WeChat, a dynamic social platform created and owned by Chinese technology giant, Tencent.
Companies like China Pop Culture Group, a Nasdaq-listed company (Ticker: CPOP) based in Xiamen, China, started by a group of creative millennials, have been cultivating the young hip-hop culture by facilitating massive street dance competitions, along with musical performances and incredibly elaborate and creative demonstrations that are being picked up and used by major pop stars across the country. Founded by Zhuoqin Huang in 2016, CPOP is a company with hip-hop cultural values at its core. Their growth is a strong sign that China continues to open up by allowing young artists to use music, dance, performance, and competition to express themselves openly in positive, exciting, and engaging ways.
Young generations use social media platforms like Douyin (TikTok), WeChat, and others to express their ideas, creativity, and imagination through music, dance, technology, gaming, and innovation. There are thousands and thousands of expert influencers spanning these world-leading social channels and engaging with millions of followers passionate about using dance, music, and singing to express their unique talents and create individualized brands.

Founder and CEO Zhuoqin Huang had a grand vision of using the power of social media, coupled with superb hip-hop dance, impactful energizing music, and culture, to create events in the real world whereby these online and social media “superstars” could bring their talents to millions of others across the country. He found creative ways to plan, design, choreograph and host outstanding, professionally judged hip-hop/culture dance events that draw thousands of spectators today. CPOP’s vision also saw the market need for street-level dance competitions.
As the world warms to China’s new and exciting role as a superpower and mega-player across virtually all major industries, the country’s support of hip-hop culture adds to the allure.
CPOP’s performances take place indoors and outdoors, using laser lights, stage props, and an array of outstanding dance performers. CPOP went from organizing informal street hip-hop dance performances and competitions to major events at massive venues, choreographing dynamic, professional dancers, designing stage layouts, arranging for professional performers (singers and dancers), and laser light technology.
CPOP is the market leader in China, driving a hip-hop-themed, musically charged, engaging atmosphere, inspiring millions of young Chinese to lead active lives bolstered by music, dance, and healthy competition.