BLACK GIRL GENIUS | Piper Carter Podcast

In this episode of the Piper Carter Podcast, we interview Dr. Ruth Nicole Brown. Brown is a Hip-Hop Feminist, Scholar, Musician, Professor, and the Inaugural Chairperson of the Department of African American and African Studies at Michigan State University. Brown Founded the collective SOLHOT (Saving Our Lives, Hearing Our Truths) which celebrates Black girlhood by meeting Black girls face to face and heart to heart. Listen Below!

Cohosts: Deja + Brittany March + JYR3H

Featured Artist:- SOLHOT "Black Girl Genius” ft. BGGW Homegirls

The Piper Carter Podcast is 3 generations discussing Hip Hop, Social Justice, Politics, Tech, Arts & Culture.

Piper Carter is the founder of 'We Found Hip-hop.' Advocate for Women in Hip-hop, Hip-hop culture, Detroit advocacy, Artistry, and Youth Dilla Day Detroit.

The Piper Carter Podcast is available to stream on
Apple Podcast | Google Play | Stitcher | Spotify I HeartRadio |


The Industry | Piper Carter Podcast


Sing the Heart of the Magic: A Jennifer L. Nelson Story